Student Council Guidelines
Membership: Members must be home schooled Vine & Branches students, in grades 8-12, currently in good standing with the accountability group; but only those in grades 9 - 12 can hold an office. Some council members will hold an elected or appointed office (i.e., formal chairman, fundraising chairman, etc.) in one area pertaining to the teen VBHE activities but ALL VBHE teens ages 13 and up may attend the council meetings.
Officers/Committee Chairmen: The council will use an election process to fill executive roles; and an application process to fill appointed offices. To hold an executive office, you must have been on the council at least one year. (*will begin with the 2017-2018 academic school year).
Attendance/Requirements: Council meetings will be required only for all of those students holding an elected or appointed office.
Style of Meetings: The meetings will loosely follow Robert's Rules of Order in a business/club format and we will be using parliamentary procedure.
Those officers or committee chairmen needing to present a report should notify the president 3 days prior to the meeting by phone or email so it can be included on the agenda. The president will email the agenda 1 to 2 days prior to the meeting which all council members should print and bring to the meeting with them.
Parental involvement, especially if you are a parent of an elected or appointed officer or committee member, is required. Each parent of an officer will ultimately be responsible for making sure his/her teen is adequately fulfilling his/her obligation.
Service Projects: If you have any suggestions for a group service project, please let the Student Council Advisor or the Service Projects Chairman know. These opportunities will be open to all VBHE teens.
Parental Concerns, Problems and/or Conflict Resolution: Parental input is welcome and we encourage you to bring your ideas to the student council where they can be openly considered. If you have any concerns or issues, please contact the Student Council Advisor. If your concern involves serious behavioral or personal issues, be aware that it may be brought before the entire VBHE Executive Board.
Order of meetings:
Welcome and Call to Order
Chaplain's Devotion and Prayer (requests will be taken)
Secretary will read minutes of last meeting for approval or correction; followed by any correspondence received
Treasurer's Report
Old Business
Reports from any Executive Board members and Appointed Officers
Other New Business
Vice President
Parliamentarian (makes sure the parliamentary rules are followed in the meeting, the meeting is orderly)
Service Projects Chairman
Formal Theme & Decorating Committee (seniors only)
**other committee chairmen and appointed officers will be added as needed**
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